1671 03 14 : Nail maker's account
Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 6:35PM
Petra Mitchinson in BOWMAN, Hardware, Kirkby Stephen, MUSGRAVE Philip 2nd Bart., WILKINSON

Update on Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 6:38PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

14 Mar 1670/1. NAIL MAKER’S ACCOUNT. A detailed nail maker’s account. The sum total features in the Hartley steward’s account of 15 Mar 1670/1. Janeuery the 4 / 1670 Anoate as fowleth which will apear by perticullers for S~r Philpl MUSGRAVE s – d Janu th 4 twentie: pen nalles 0 – 4 Jan th 5 mor twentie peney nales 0 – 3 Jan th 16 1 m~ latt nales 2 – 6 one peney worth of 30 peney nalles 0 – 1 Feb th 16 2 lb bradggs nalles 2 – 0 and 1 lb twentie peney nalles 0 – 6 Feb 19 mor twentie peney nalles 0 – 6 and 1 lb bradgg nalles 1 – 0 Feb th 24 1 m~ lat nalles 2 – 6 and Bradgg nalles …….. thre score 0 – 6 March th 4 Bradgg nalles 0 – 4 March th 6 halfe m~ Bradgg nalles 4 – 6 mor great nales 0 – 3 the Last nales – 1 lb twentie peney nalles 0 – 6 s – d ———— the sume is 15 – 9 ———— This with my hand to you Mr John WILKINSON I remane your faithfull Servant Kirkby Stephen to Ves [?] [signed] John BOWMAN March th 14

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