1853 01 19 : Grocer’s account
Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 3:28PM
Petra Mitchinson in Cumberland, Grocers, JAMESON, MUSGRAVE George 10th Bart.

Update on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 8:29PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

19 Jan 1853. GROCER’S ACCOUNT. A neat account. 4” x 6”. Melmerby 1852 Sir George MUSGROVE Bart. To Joseph JAMESON Dr. £ S D Augt. 9th { To 1 lb Tea 4s/6d. 8 lb Sugar 3s/4d. “ 7 10 { 2 lb Coffee 3s/4d. Matches 6d. “ 3 10 13th Pipes 2d. (17th) 4 lb Sugar 1s/8d. 1 lb Coffee 1s/8d “ 3 6 —————- “ 15 2 Jany 19th / 53 Settled [signed] Joseph JAMESON

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