1835 02 20 : 01 : Receipt for a grey mare bought at Wigton Fair
Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 3:22PM
Petra Mitchinson in Cumberland, DIXON Lancelot Story, Horses, MUSGRAVE George 10th Bart., WILSON

Update on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 8:19PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

20 Feb 1835 (1). RECEIPT FOR A GREY MARE BOUGHT AT WIGTON FAIR. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. Feb. 20th. 1835 Placed to Sir Geo: MUSGRAVE’s acct: Twenty Two Pounds 13s/- paid to Mr: WILSON for a Grey Mare rising 5 yrs. old, bought of him this day at Wigton Fair. £ 23 . 0 . 0 7 . 0 returned [signed] L S DIXON ——————- £ 22 . 13 . 0

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