1820 07 11 : Weaver’s account
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 3:28PM
Petra Mitchinson in HAMILTON, MUSGRAVE Philip Christopher 8th Bart., Penrith, Textiles


Update on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 7:22PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

11 Jul 1820. WEAVER’S ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean weaver’s account. 6” x 7”. Penrith June 27th. 1820 Sir P. MUSGROVE Detter to John HAMILTON £ s d Weaving 33 yds Sheating at 1s/-d Pr yd 1 “ 13 “ 0 Winding 0 “ 4 “ 0 Warping 0 “ 2 “ 0 2 Cuts of Weft at 3d Pr Cut 0 “ 0 “ 6 ——————— £ 1 “ 19 “ 6 ——————— Spinning 9 Hanks at 1s/- Pr Hank 9 0 ——————— £ 2 “ 8 “ 6 1820 July 11th Received ——————— [signed] John HAMILTON

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