1791 10 15 : Account for weighing lead & looking after woods
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 2:00PM
Petra Mitchinson in Edenhall, Forestry, Hartley, Lead, MUSGRAVE Philip 6th Bart., OLDMAN Jonathan, RAILTON, Westmorland

Update on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 6:26PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

15 Oct 1791. ACCOUNT FOR WEIGHING LEAD & LOOKING AFTER WOODS. A neat and clean account. 4” x 7”. John RAILTON attending the Weighings of } Hartley Riggs & Birket Lead and sending Acct. } 1 ~ 0 ~ 0 thereof to Edenhall one Year endg. Michs. 1791 } Looking after the Heaning and Hartley Woods } and journeys one Year ending Michs. 1791 } 0 ~ 19 ~ 6 ——————- 1 ~ 19 ~ 6 ——————- 15th. Octr. 1791 Recd. of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE by Jona: OLDMAN one pound nineteen shillings and six pence for the above by me [signed] John RAILTON

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